2007年7月29日 星期日


BushismsUpdated frequently.
By Jacob Weisberg
Updated Thursday, July 19, 2007, at 6:43 PM ET

"I'm going to try to see if I can remember as much to make it sound like I'm smart on the subject."—answering a question concerning a possible flu pandemic, Cleveland, July 10, 2007

Click here to see video of Bush's comments. The Bushism is at 1:02:50.

"I cannot look a mother and father of a troop in the eye and say, 'I'm sending your kid into combat, but I don't think we can achieve the objective.' "—Washington, D.C., July 12, 2007

Click here to see video of Bush's comments. The Bushism is at 18:46.

"More than two decades later, it is hard to imagine the Revolutionary War coming out any other way."—Martinsburg, W. Va., July 4, 2007.

Click here to see video of Bush's comments. The Bushism is at 5:59.

"I've heard he's been called Bush's poodle. He's bigger than that."—discussing former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, as quoted by the Sun newspaper, June 27, 2007

"Amnesty means that you've got to pay a price for having been here illegally, and this bill does that."—discussing an immigration reform bill, Washington, D.C., June 26, 2007

Click here to see video of Bush's comments. The Bushism is at 6:22.

"This process has been drug out a long time, which says to me it's political."—Discussing the controversy surrounding Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez, Sofia, Bulgaria, June 11, 2007

Click here to see video of Bush's comments. The Bushism is at 23:18.

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